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Sourcing included within this document: GFK Radio Ratings. Metro- Survey 8 2017. Newcastle and Gold Coast- Survey 3 2017. Canberra- Survey 3, 2017. Mon-Sun 5:30-12mn Cume.] [XTRA Insights. Albury and Hobart- Survey 1 2017. Townsville- Survey
1 2017. Griffith, Dubbo, Mt Gambier, Port Macquarie, Coffs Harbour, Albany, Kalgoorlie, Mackay, Shepparton, Cairns, Toowoomba, Maryborough, Bundaberg West Gippsland, Orange and Wagga Wagga- Survey 1 2017. Darwin Central, SGT TV Advisor. TTL
PPL. 0600-2400. Facebook total page likes + Twitter Followers + Instagram Followers +YouTube Subscribers +Ooyala as at 1 Dec 2017. Nielsen Online Ratings Market Intelligence (Domestic) based on monthly average for period Aug 2017 SCA Network.