Appointed: 30 October 2020
Most recently elected by shareholders: 27 October 2023

Board Committees: People & Culture Committee (Chair)

Heith Mackay-Cruise became Chair of the Company on 27 March 2024

Heith has been involved in the media, education, and technology sectors over the past 25 years. In Heith’s executive career, he was the founding CEO of Sterling Early Education, the Global CEO and Managing Director of Study Group Limited, and CEO for PBL Media New Zealand. Heith also held senior executive positions with Australian Consolidated Press and worked in sales and marketing roles for PepsiCo around Australia.

Heith is a non-executive director of Codan Limited (ASX:CDA) where he is a member of the Board’s Remuneration & Nomination Committee. He is a non-executive national director of the Australian Institute of Company Directors where he chairs the Board’s Technology & Innovation Committee, and is non-executive Chair of private equity owned technology business, Orro Pty Ltd. Heith was previously non-executive Chair of Straker Limited (ASX:STG), LiteracyPlanet, hipages Limited (ASX:HPG), and the Vision Australia Foundation, and a non-executive director of LifeHealthcare and Bailador Technology Investments (ASX:BTI).

Heith is a mentor with Kilfinan Australia, a Fellow of the Australian Institute of Company Directors and has a Bachelor of Economics degree from the University of New England.

Heith brings to the Board his executive leadership experience, as well as global platforms exposure, and marketing, media, and digital knowledge.