Hit 95.1 Maranoa

Hit 95.1 Maranoa

“It is a great result with locals tuning in to the new breakfast show and across the day. We would like to thank the people of Roma for another consistent result for Hit95.1 Maranoa in today’s survey. The station continues to dominate in our target audience and provide premium content to our listeners and clients.”

Nicholas Purdie, General Manager of Hit95.1 Maranoa

#1 Station Listened to Most P10+:  29.7%

#1 Station Listened to Most People Under 40:  39.4

#1 Station Listened to Most P18-54:  28.9#

#1 Station Listened to Most P18-39:  32.8%

 #1 Commercial Breakfast Most P10+:  24.0%

#1 Drive Most People Under 40:  36.3%

(#1 Station Listened to Most across all surveyed dayparts People Under 40)

 4.7k people tune into HIT95.1 Maranoa in Roma each week (33.4% reach of the market)

Source: Xtra Insights Roma Survey #1 2021, Mon-Sun ROS/Mon-Fri 5.30-9.00am/Mon-Fri 4-7pm, P10+/P10-39/P19-39/P18-54, Cume Reach/Station Listened to Most %.

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