

#1 Station in Hobart

#1 Station Listened to most P25-54

71,900 people tune in every week

#1 Station Listened to most Breakfast P10+

Sourcing:  Xtra Insights Hobart Survey #1 2022.  P10+/P25-54/M35-54/M40-54, Mon-Sun ROS / Mon-Fri 05.30-0.900 / Mon-Fri 16.00 – 19.00, Cume Reach (00’s) / Station Listened to Most %.

Triple M 107.3

Triple M 107.3

Largest audience of M35-54 overall

Equal #1 Station Listened to most M40-54

48,100 people tune in every week

#1 Drive Station Listened to most M35-54

Sourcing: Xtra Insights Hobart Survey #1 2022.  P10+/P25-54/M35-54/M40-54, Mon-Sun ROS / Mon-Fri 05.30-0.900 / Mon-Fri 16.00 – 19.00, Cume Reach (00’s) / Station Listened to Most %.

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